Activity Days
Meeting the needs of the London Autistic Community
Sensory Tai Chi
This sensory Tai Chi programme was created by our Autistic Tai Chi expert Nick Fawcitt. It was designed to be inclusive for people who have Learning Disabilities, are Autistic and who have sensory associated conditions.
By sharing his techniques in Tai Chi, relaxation and mindfulness, Nick aims to open up a whole new sensory world to people, making them experience the world in a more sensory way.
This includes sensory story telling, visualisation, relaxing deep meditation and soft flowing movements.
In Nick's words:
'The sensory Tai Chi programme is not just a holistic therapy, it is a way of being, as we are all sensory associated creatures. Movement in a sensory world creates a safe, quiet, comfortable state of mind and a positive mindset'.
Everyone is welcome to attend these sessions, which will happen for the last hour of every Activity Day at the Holy Sepulchre London.
This enables everyone to unwind and relax in a silent environment, after their other busier social and group activities.