Personal Independence Payment
What is PIP?
Personal independence payment is a benefit for those in need of extra help, when taking part in everyday life, or have difficulty travelling. This is desirable if you have a disability, an illness, or mental health condition.
PIP replaced disability living allowance for people between the ages of 16 and 64. You are eligible even if you receive Employment and Support Allowance or other benefits. Your suitability does not depend on income, savings, or if you are working.
There are two components of PIP. You can be paid either or if you qualify, you can be paid both.
The components are:
Daily Living - For help in everyday life.
Mobility - For help with travelling.
You are assessed for ability in twelve different activities.
There are ten activities in daily living and two activities are assessed for mobility.
When assessed, you will be given a score of 0-12 points in each of these activities.
To qualify for a standard rate payment you must have at least eight points.
If you have 12 points, you get an enhanced rate, which gives you more.
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To make an Application...
Making a claim is a long process. It can take months from start to finish.
When moving from DLA to PIP you must make a new claim.
To prepare thoroughly for making a claim you can:
Gather medical evidence from your medical professionals
Make copies of medical reports, letters and documents
Write down any medical or mobility aids or appliances you need to use.
There is also a Further Reading section at the bottom of this page.
The Outcome...
The DWP makes the decision about the amount you get and for how long.
The DWP bases the amount you get on your application.
If there is a likelihood of a change in your condition, then the award will be reassessed sooner than a long-lasting conditon.
To Appeal a Decision...
Read the decision carefully and make notes of what you disagree with.
Look at the further reading section to find more online help with PIP.
If you still disagree with the DWP’s decision, you can ask them to look at it again and to change it. This is called a Mandatory Reconsideration.
The best way to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration is to write to the DWP at the address on your decision letter. You will usually have one month from the date you received your decision letter to ask for this.
Further Reading...
Government Guidelines
National Autistic Society
Money Advice Service
Disability Rights UK
Help with Appeals